Time and Work is an important concepts in math aptitude. In this article, we will explore essential formulas on time and work, and present a series of examples with solutions, starting from simple to more complex. Formulas for Time and Work 1) The basic formula for time and work is as follows Work = Rate […]
Category: Quantitative Aptitude
Surface Area and Volume of Sphere, Hemisphere, Hollow Sphere Formulas, Examples
In this article provided formulas of Surface Area and Volume of a Sphere and a Hemisphere with examples. Volume and surface area of a three dimensional (3D) solid geometrical shapes. Sphere and Hemisphere Formulas with Examples Sphere Sphere is a one of the three dimensional solid figure, Which made up of all points in the […]
Ratio proportion and variation problems with solutions, Allmathtricks
In this article explained about some examples with solution of ratio proportion and variation chapter Ratio proportion and variation formulas and properties Click Here Ratio and Proportion Questions with Solutions | Quantitative Aptitude Example-1 : Ratio between two numbers is 5 : 6 and sum of their squares is 244. Then find the numbers Solution: […]
Ratio proportion and variation formula with aptitude tricks – Allmathtricks
In this article discussed about basic concepts, Important Formulas, Properties with Quantitative aptitude shortcuts & tricks of ratio proportion and variation Ratio Proportion and Variation aptitude formulas for all Competitive Exams What is Ratio When compare any two numbers, some times it is necessary to find out how many times number is greater or less […]
Relationship Between Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic Mean. AM, GM and HM
In this page explained about formulas of Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean. Relation between Arithmetic , Geometric and Harmonic Mean. Also given examples on Arithmetic Progressions (AP), Geometric Progressions (GP) and Harmonic Progressions. Arithmetic Mean The arithmetic mean “A” of any two quantities of ” p” and ” q”. Then Here p, A, […]
Harmonic Progression Formula, Properties and Harmonic Mean Formula
In this article we learn about harmonic progression formula for nth term, sum of terms, properties with examples. Harmonic mean formula for two quantities, three quantities and number of quantities. Harmonic Progression and Harmonic Mean formulas with properties Definition of Harmonic Progression A series of terms is known as a Harmonic progression series when the […]
State and Prove Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem | Polynomials
Remainder and Factor Theorem Proof | Remainder and Factor Theorem Test In this page given definition and proof for Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem and also provided application of remainder theorem and factor theorem Statement of Remainder Theorem: Let f(x) be any polynomial of degree greater than or equal to one and let ‘ a‘ be […]
How to Find Unit Digit of a Power Number | Unit Digit Problems with Solutions
Finding Last Digit of any Number With Power | Unit place of a Number In Quantitative aptitude questions ask to find the last digit and last two digits of a power or large expressions. In this article explained different types of tools to serve as shortcuts to finding the last digits of an expanded power. […]
Shortcut to Find Number of Factors of a Number | Sum of Factors of a Number
How to Find Total Number of Factors for Big Numbers Easily | Number System In number system the concept of factors of numbers is one of the important sub-topic. In this article, we will discussed about definition of factors of number, formulas for finding number of factors, sum of factors, product of factors, even number […]
Remainder Theorem Tough Questions for Competitive Exams | Aptitude Questions
Remainder Theorem Aptitude Examples with Answers | Remainder Theorem Tutorial Remainder theorem basic rules were given in the following link. Here provides some examples with shortcut methods on remainder theorem aptitude. Remainder Theorem for Number System Basic rules Application of the remainder theorem: Finding the last digit of an expression purpose simply find the remainder […]