Count number of squares and number of retangles in a given n x m Grid | Count number of rectangle in a rectangle | How many squares are there in an N x M grid

How many squares and rectangles are there in this picture | All Math Tricks

In this article discussed about formulas to find number of squares and rectangles in given figure of  of  ‘n’ number of rows and ‘m’ is the number of columns  Count number of squares and number of rectangles in a given N x M Grid | How to count square in reasoning How many squares are […]

Supplementary and Complementary Angles | Different Types of Angle pairs in Geometry | Complementary Angles | Supplementary Angles |Conjugate Angles |Congruent angles

Complementary and supplementary angles | Types of Angle Pairs | geometry

In this section we discuss about different types of angles pairs  like Complementary Angles, Supplementary Angles, Conjugate Angles & Congruent angles with examples Angle Pairs Definition and Examples  | Conjugate and Congruent Angles For Basic concepts of angles and Different Types of Angles in Geometry like Zero Angle, Acute Angle, Right Angle, Obtuse angle, Straight […]

What is an Angle| Different Types of Angles in Geometry | Zero Angle, Acute Angle, Right Angle, Obtuse angle, Straight Angle, Reflex Angle & Complete angle

Different types of angles in Geometry | Mathematics Angles | Acute angles

In this section we know about definition of angle in geometry and its types of angles like Interior and Exterior of an angle, Zero Angle, Acute Angle, Right Angle, Obtuse angle, Straight Angle, Reflex Angle & Complete angle What is Angle An angle is formed when two rays originate from same end point. The two […]

Transversal Angles | Angles formed by parallel lines and transversal Line

Transversal Angles | Angles formed by parallel lines and transversal Line

In this section we discuss about angles are formed by Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal line like corresponding angles, Alternate interior lines, Alternate exterior angles , co interior angles and co exterior angles. Also learn about properties of the same angles. Interior angles  | Exterior Angles | Alternate Interior and Alternate Exterior Angles What […]

Types of Lines in geometry | Straight line, Curved line, Intersecting lines, Concurrent lines, Parallel Lines and transversal line with examples. | All Math tricks

Intersecting and Concurrent lines | Parallel Lines and transversal line

In this article explained about different types of lines in geometry like straight line, curved line, Intersecting lines, Concurrent lines, Parallel Lines and transversal line with examples. Types of Lines |  Straight and Curved Line | Lines In Geometry Definitions and Properties of Line, line segment & ray Basic concepts in geometry of Line, Line-segment […]

Definetions and Properties of Line, line segment and ray in math | all math tricks

Lines In Geometry | line segment math definition | Ray along with their types

In this article explained about some basic concepts in geometry like definitions of lines, line segment and ray. Also explained properties and differences for the same. Lines | Line segments | Rays | All Math Tricks Line A line is breadthless length. Line is a set of infinite points which extend indefinitely in both directions […]

how to find collinear points | Examples of collinear points | point in geometry math | Number of Lines through non- collinear points | All math tricks

Point in Geometry Math | Collinear Points and non-collinear points Examples

In this article explained about defections of point in geometry math, Collinear Points, Non-collinear points with examples. Point in Math | Collinear Points | Non-collinear points | All Math Tricks The terms Point, Line, Plane and space .. etc are fundamental concepts in study of geometry and they Definition of Point in Math: A point […]

Factoring Polynomials by using Algebraic Expressions | How to Factor Algebraic Equations | all math tricks

Factorising Algebraic Expressions | Factoring Binomial & Trinomial Formule

In this article explained about factoring polynomials by using the basic algebraic expressions like  factoring a sum of cubes, factoring a difference of cubes, the sum and difference of two squares Factoring Polynomials by using Basic Algebraic Expressions The basic algebraic equations are true for all values of the variables. So we can also use […]

Factorise the Polynomial by using Factor Theorem | allmathtricks

Factor theorem for polynomial | Factoring polynomials using factor theorem

If a polynomial f(x) is dividing by g(x) leaves remainder zero then g(x) is a factor of f(x). Here explained about factor theorem example with solution of factorise the polynomials by using factor theorem Factor Theorem Applications| Factor theorem example problems Factor theorem state and proof purpose go through the below link Statement and proof […]

Dividing polynomials long division examples with solutions | polynomial long division examples | Dividing Polynomials by monomials, trinomials & Quadratics

Dividing Polynomials | Division of polynomials examples with solutions

Division of a polynomial by another polynomial is one of the important  concept in Polynomial expressions. In this article explained about  basic phenomena of diving polynomial algorithm in step by step process Algebra division| Dividing Polynomials Long Division Before going to algebra divisions observe the normal numerical division algorithm When we divide 137 by 5 […]
